Maafkan Kenit andai translasi bahasa Inggeris Kenit tidak berjaya memahamkan anda hehe. I'm not very good in translating..!
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Baitullah |
Non-muslim: "Kenapa orang Islam sembah bangunan kain hitam tu?" (Why do muslims worship that building with black cloth?)
Muslim: "Oh.... itu Kaabah atau nama lainnya Baitullah" (Oh...that is called Kaabah or in other name we call Baitullah)
Non-muslim: "Baitullah tu apa?" ...(What is Baitullah?....)
Muslim: "Secara terjemahan mudah maknanya Rumah Allah" (In translation, it means the House Of Allah)
Non-muslim: "Allah ada dalam tu?" (Does Allah lives in there?)
Muslim: "Tak....." (No....)
Non-muslim: "Jadi, kenapa sembah bangunan tu kalau Allah tak ada dalam tu?" (Then, why do you worship that building if Allah is not in there?)
Muslim: "Yang saya sembah bukannya bangunan tu.." (The one i worship is not the building..)
Non-muslim : "Kamu sembah apa?" (What do you worship?)
Muslim : "Saya sembah Allah swt" (I worship Allah s.w.t)
Non-muslim : "Jadi, kenapa sembah bangunan tu?" (So, why worship the building?)
Muslim : "Saya MENGHADAP sahaja ke arah Kaabah tetapi saya tak sembah Kaabah.." ( I'm only FACING towards the Kaabah but i don't worship Kaabah...)
Non-muslim : "Bukankah kamu sujud ke arah Kaabah, maknanya kamu sembah Kaabah la.." (Is not that you prostrate towards the Kaabah, that means you must be worshipping the Kaabah..)
Muslim : "Kamu pernah tgk perlawanan bola dalam TV?" (Have you watched football match on tv?)
Non-muslim : "Pernah...... selalu.." (Yes i have...frequently)
Muslim : "Kamu tengok tv ke tengok perlawanan bola?" (Do you watch the tv or the football match?)
Non-muslim : "Tengok perlawanan bola la.." (Certainly, i watch the football match...)
Muslim : "Di mana?" (Where?)
Non-muslim : "Dalam tv la.." (on tv...)
Muslim : "Cuba buka tv tu, tengok di dalamnya ada stadium dan perlawanan bola ke tak.." (Try open the tv box, look inside if there's a stadium and football match...)
Non-muslim : "Memanglah tak ada.. tapi itukan gambarnya ada.." (Of course there are not in there...but the pictures are there..)
Muslim : "Bukalah dalam tv, tengok ada ke tak gambar perlawanan bola dalam tu.." (Open the tv box, see if there are pictures of the football match....)
Non-muslim : "So..?"
Muslim : "Maknanya kamu tengok tv, bukan perlawanan bola.. betul tak?" (That means you are watching the tv, not the match..isn' t that true?)
Non-muslim : "Tak.. aku tengok perlawanan bola la melaui tv tu.." (No...i'm watching the match through the tv..)
Muslim : "Peliknya.." (Weird....)
Non-muslim : "Sebab apa pulak pelik?" (How is it weird?)
Muslim : "Ye la, kau cakap tengok perlawanan bola, sedangkan aku tengok dalam tv tu tak ada apa-apa.. yg ada hanya wayar je berselirat.." (Ok, you said you are watching the match, but i see nothing inside the tv...there are only wires and cables...)
Non-muslim : "Memanglah dalam tv tu ada banyak wayar, tapi tv tu menayangkan gambar-gambar perlawanan bola dalamnya.." (Of course there are wires and cables, but the tv is showing the pictures of the match....)
Muslim : "Hurm.. jadi tak peliklah ni..?" (, it's not that weird is it?)
Non-muslim : "Ya.. tak pelik.." ('s not weird at all..)
Muslim : "Jadi tak pelik jugalah aku sujud ke arah Kaabah untuk menyembah Allah swt. walau pun dalam Kaabah tak ada Allah.." (So, it is not weird at all if i prostrate towards the Kaabah to worship Allah s.w.t even though Allah is not in the Kaabah...)
P/S: (Kaabah merupakan kiblat bagi manusia di bumi ini. Ia juga melambangkan kesatuan manusia dan perpaduan ummah. Hakikat sebenarnya, orang Islam tidak menyembah kaabah, sedangkan kaabah sendiri adalah makhluk Allah S.W.T Orang Islam adalah menyembah Allah S.W.T yang Maha Esa. Orang Islam diperintahkan untuk menghadapkan dirinya kepada kaabah bagi menunjukkan perpaduan dan kekuatan.)
{Kaabah is the Qibla for all human being on this earth. It also represents the unity of ummah. The truth is, we muslims do not worship Kaabah, whereas the Kaabah itself is one of Allah's creation. Muslims worship ONLY to Allah s.w.t (The One True God). Muslims are instructed to face themselves towards the Kaabah to show unity and strength.}
Jom kita bayangkan orang yang solat di atas kapal terbang, adakah dia perlu berbongkok untuk mengadap kaabah yang berada di bawah? Tidak, bahkan dia wajib untuk berdiri tegak dan perlu mengadap kaabah pada permulaan solat sahaja. Jika kapal terbang itu berpusing ke arah bertentangan Kaabah, orang yang bersolat itu tidak perlu lagi berpusing ke arah kaabah. Solatnya sudah sah walaupun tidak mengadap kaabah. Wallahu'Alam.")
{Let's imagine if a person who prays in the aeroplane, does he have to bow down to face the Kaabah below? No, instead he is obliged to stand straight dan only have to face the Kaabah at the beginning of his solah (pray). If the aeroplane turns opposite direction from the Kaabah, the person does not have to turn around to face the Kaabah. His solah still valid eventhough he is not facing the Kaabah. Wallahualam}
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