Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10 Smartwatch For Your Future.


When everybody turn around to more advanced and multifunctional gadgets such as smartphones and stuff, watches too have improved in many many ways with it's special features and way more advanced technologies than you can imagine.

If you thought the Samsung Galaxy Gear is the first 'real' smartwatch to hit the market, then you're in for a pleasant surprise. How many of these smart watches can you recognise?

1. Nissan Nismo

  • Designed for Nissan Nismo racecar drivers. 
  • Connects to the car via a smartphone app. 
  • Access vehicle telematics and performance data while driving, even biometric data via a heart-rate monitor. 
  • Monitor average speed and fuel-consumption readings for the car. 
  • Lasts 7 days per charge. 
  • Price: Coming soon 
  • No official website at time of writing.

2. I'm Watch

  • Links with your smartphone over Bluetooth. 
  • Notifies for calls, SMS, emails and apps. 
  • Custom apps via i'market, their app store. 
  • Claims to have the world's most advanced smartwatch operating system. 
  • Designed, engineered and built entirely in Italy 
  • Price: USD479 (RM1,517) 
  • http://www.imsmart.com/en

3. Cuckoo

  • Notification alert for calls, SMS, email, apps, out of range, low battery, alarm and more. 
  • By a press of button, you can remotely check in on Facebook, control your music, tag your current location or find your phone. 
  • No recharging needed - uses standard CR2032 battery. 
  • Custom apps available. 
  • Price: $129.99 (RM411) 
  • http://www.cookoowatch.com/index.html

4. Qualcomm Toq

  • Wireless charging, lasts for multiple days on a single charge. 
  • Custom wireless stereo headsets which also charges wirelessly 
  • Touchscreen-only, no buttons, no ports. 
  • Links to smartphone for updates and notifications. 
  • Price: Coming soon 
  • http://toq.qualcomm.com/

5. Martian Passport

  • Claims to be the world's first voice-command smartwatch. Can also do voice command to smartphone apps via the watch. 
  • Answer calls and SMS via the watch. 
  • Snap a photo using your smartphone, via the smartwatch. 
  • Also incorporates a Find Your Phone feature. 
  • Has an anti-scratch glass crystal display. 
  • Price: $299 (RM947)

6. Adidas miCoach Smart Run 

  • Track your runs via GPS mapping, monitor your heart rate off your wrist, listen to your favorite music and get real-time coaching. 
  • Price: $399 (RM1263) 
  • No official webpage at time of writing. Available in November at www.adidas.com.

7. Sony Smartwatch

  • Read email, SMS, calendar events, social notifications and more on the watch. 
  • Connect to your music player on the smartphone via the watch. 
  • Has an app store for more custom apps. 
  • Price: $129.99 (RM411) 
  • http://www.sonymobile.com/my/products/accessories/smartwatch/

8. Sony Smartwatch 2 

  • Claims to be the world’s first Android-compatible SmartWatch with one-touch NFC. 
  • Lasts 4 days between charges. 
  • Runtastic (tm) app custom-designed for runners. 
  • Android-only compatibility. 
  • Various compatible apps available on Google Play. 
  • Price: $199 (RM630) 
  • (Pictured with Sony Xperia Z1) 
  • http://www.sonymobile.com/my/products/accessories/smartwatch/

9. Pebble

  • Among the first smartwatches to hit the market. 
  • Various apps available on iOS/Android app stores as well as other independant stores. 
  • 5ATM waterproof, tested for both fresh and salt water. 
  • Call, email, SMS, etc notifications from smartphone. 
  • Lasts 5-7 days per charge. 
  • ePaper display for easy daylight reading. Backlight turns on at the flick of the wrist. 
  • Price: $150 (RM475) 
  • https://getpebble.com/

10. Samsung Galaxy Gear

  • Make and answer calls directly from the watch. 
  • Voice commands with S Voice for calls, tasks, schedules, messages and other apps. 
  • Notifications for calls, SMS, email, apps and more. 
  • Built-in camera in the strap, seamless syncing to the phone. 
  • Easily record voice memos which are automatically transcripted into text. 
  • Other apps and features include auto phone lock, find my device, pedometer, weather, media controller and more. 
  • Currently only supports selected phones in the Samsung Galaxy line. 
  • Price: RM999 (Malaysia), $299 (worldwide) 
  • http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxynote3-gear/index.html

So, to time lovers out there which one of these magnificent piece of  'time machine' would you like to have for your collection?

p/s: Time is no more money. Now, 'Time is Technology & Trendy'. What say you? (^_^)

source: yahoo


  1. nak yang john smith tu satu kenit...cantik

    1. ambil lah kak yang mana berkenan di hati hehe.

  2. mmg semuanya nmpk menarik.
    tapi syang tali getah.
    nampk cam jam budak2 jer..
    nom 1 adalah pilihan terbaik :)

  3. menarik...tapi tak mampu huhuhu :( anyway dah follow ur blog 645..sudi la follow me back
    http://sharetogether13.blogspot.com ^_^

    1. kenit mampu....tengok je muahahaha :D

      Terima kasih follow kenit, nanti kenit follow balik ye (^_^)

  4. wah.. canggihnya.. tpi tak guna gak klu x reti tepati masa... huhu

  5. suka yang no.3 ngan no.8 hik3

  6. mak aih..canggih2 btol jam ni semua =) harga pn syok jugak tu..akak la blnja sy 1 boleh? nk no2..best tu..he3

    1. aikkk! fais la kene blanja akak. Besday akak bulan depan je tau hahahaha. Akak nak martian passport...ingat tau! (^_^)

    2. hahaha pulak..mahal sgt la kak..xigt2 =) he3

  7. fuh yooo...sume design bez2
    tringin nak memiliki 1
    yumida isi tabung Nuffnang sini - churp2 n sunsilk - selamat menabung :)

    1. sure boleh sis...sumer pun available lagi ni hehehe. Tq dear ;)

  8. Cantik.. no 1 tu cantik.. smart je :)

    1. a'ah kan... rekabentuk tu memang sesuai tuk lelaki :)

  9. samsung galaxy gear. cantik :)

    1. galaxy gear ni memang diminati ramai tambah yang ada gadget samsung :)

  10. dah canggih manggih sekarang ni :)

  11. Ish bestnya la kalau boleh dapat sebijik.. tp skrg cuma mampu tengok jer la..huhuhu


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