
Showing posts with label Product Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Product Review. Show all posts

Sunday, February 05, 2023

Sunday, February 05, 2023

Top Rated Malaysian Humidifier Review


The air may become incredibly dry in hot, sunny weather, which can lead to a number of health issues. Dry air has the power to make a variety of health ailments worse, from respiratory illnesses and skin diseases to nosebleeds, dry eyes, and sore throats. Therefore, you should take preventative action, and possessing a humidifier is one of the most beneficial steps you can do.

By introducing moisture to the air, humidifiers can stop dryness from causing discomfort in various body regions. Humidifiers may be very helpful in treating dry skin, lips, nose, throat, and nose. Additionally, they have the capacity to reduce a few cold and flu symptoms. The top humidifiers available in Malaysia are shown below.

Deerma Air Humidifier F600

The Deerma Air Humidifier F600 is the finest air humidifier in Malaysia for humidifying and purifying your space in any weather since it has an intelligent control system. You can easily use this appliance thanks to its sophisticated touch system. Additionally, this humidifier will provide you with a softly lit display that makes it simple to check the current ambient temperature.

Additionally, the Deerma F600 has a night mode and 12-hour timer so you may sleep well without interruption from the appliance. It has a capacity of 20 pieces of 250 ml mineral water's worth of water, and if there is no more water in the tank, it will shut off on its own.

MBH TOWER Gen2 Hybrid Humidifier & Air Purifier

The MBH TOWER Gen2 Hybrid serves as an air purifier, humidifier, and even an aroma diffuser, so it can ensure you have a healthy environment with a lovely scent. You may now breathe clean, fresh air since the Ag+ Ionic Silver filter is 99,999% efficient at removing germs and mold from the air. Its night mode and ultrasonic cold mist will make the air more humid while making little noise, allowing you to get a good night's rest.

Deerma F500 Air Humidifier 

Deerma F500 Air Humidifier is a great option if you want to create a healthy home atmosphere while filling every part of your space with your favorite fragrance because it has an aromatherapy feature. Its large water capacity can hold up to 5L of water, and you can see from its changing-light indicator—which can also be used as a sleeping light—that In the event that there is no more water, it will turn off automatically.

The Deerma F500 has a 360-degree circular shape, which makes it extremely effective in humidifying air around you while running steadily and consistently. Additionally, its lightweight design makes it simple for you to moisten the air wherever you choose. With its low noise operation, you may sleep peacefully while being shielded from dry skin and dry coughing, allowing you to wake up feeling rejuvenated.

Kaisite Heavy Fog Portable Air Humidifier

The greatest portable humidifier is the Kaisite Heavy Fog Portable Air Humidifier because it will both humidify the air and project a beautiful starry sky into your room with its vibrant ambient lamp. You may choose between the 10 hours of intermittent spraying or the 5 hours of continuous spraying using one of its two spray modes. This contemporary appliance's quiet operation will humidify and cleanse the air, and its 360-degree rotation will deliver long-lasting hydration so you can unwind and sleep well.

Taotronics AH014

The Taotronics AH014 is a high-quality humidifier that will improve your healthy living by humidifying and purifying the air for 40 hours while dispersing your preferred scents. Its 5L water tank capacity may be readily refilled thanks to its broad top, and it is also simple to clean and maintain. Because of its high fog and three different mist level settings, it can effectively provide a lot of dampness to your home's environment, even in big rooms.

This humidifier will automatically shut off when the water tank is empty out of concern for safety. You will have a restful sleep with the right illumination thanks to its adjustable nightlight. You won't need to worry about being disturbed because this humidifier runs quietly as it helps you get a deep sleep and moisturizes your skin.

USB LED Ultrasonic Aroma Humidifier

The USB LED Ultrasonic Aroma Humidifier's traditional wooden style adds a beautiful aesthetic touch to your space while also helping you breathe easier. Your mood will improve and you'll experience a lot of relaxation and romance thanks to its color-changing mood lighting. Drop your preferred essential oil and inhale the fresh, pleasing smells to boost your immune system, reduce tension and anxiety, and alleviate stress.

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Cara Mendapatkan Kulit Lembap Berseri Dengan Hansaegee Nature Aqua Whitening Cream


Assalamualaikum! Nak mengekalkan kulit yang sihat dan berseri bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah bagi orang yang mempunyai kulit bermasalah seperti aku. Kulit kering sangat pun tak elok, berminyak sangat pun tak sihat. 

Kalau dulu, aku tak berapa cakna bab penjagaan kulit ni. Namun, bila dah semakin dewasa baru aku sedar betapa pentingnya kita jaga kulit seawal usia muda. Sebab tu, kita kena praktikkan lima langkah mudah penjagaan kulit. Buat yang asas je pun dah ok. 

Moisturizer atau krim pelembap muka merupakan salah satu tips untuk mendapatkan kulit wajah yang berseri dan sihat. Takda pelembap muka memang kering habis kulit dan pori-pori akan jadi lebih besar. Sentuh kulit pun jadi kasar dan kesat. Sangat tak best kan!

Di pasaran ada pelbagai jenis pelembap muka yang boleh kita gunakan mengikut kesesuaian jenis kulit. Seperti kelazimannya, aku akan pilih produk yang mengandungi free-chemical dan selamat digunakan dan pilihan aku adalah Hansaegee Nature Aqua Whitening Cream yang telah terbukti Paraben-Free, Sulfate-Free dan Alcohol-Free.

Fungsi Krim Pelembap 

Bila kulit terdedah lama dibawah cahaya matahari, ia akan hilang kelembapan dan hidrasi menyebabkan kulit menjadi kering dan kasar. Fungsi Hansaegee Nature Aqua Whitening Cream ini mencerahkan dan melembapkan kulit wajah. Ianya jenis water drop based cream atau berasaskan air yang meresap cepat apabila disapu pada kulit. Selain itu, ia berfungsi untuk :

  • melembapkan dan menghidrat kulit
  • mengawal sebum dan minyak berlebihan pada kulit
  • membaiki kulit kemerahan dan kulit rosak kesan dari sunburn
  • mengurangkan pori pada wajah
  • memperbaiki dan mencerahkan tona kulit tidak sekata, merawat hiperpigmentasi

Bahan Utama Dalam Krim Pelembap

Hansaegee Nature Aqua Whitening Cream ni mengandungi dua bahan utama :

Camellia Japonica Seed Oil
  • Non-comedogenic, tidak menyumbat liang pori, tidak menyebabkan jerawat
  • Membaiki kekeringan & kulit rosak akibat sunburn
  • Memastikan kelembapan meresap ke dalam lapisan kulit dalam

  • Memberikan tona kulit cerah, kawalan minyak, membersihkan dan menganjalkan kulit wajah
  • Memberi kesan pencerahan dan kelembapan
  • Mengurangkan liang pori wajah dan boleh mengawal kulit berminyak

Selain dua bahan utama, krim pelembap ini turut mengandungi 17 jenis ekstrak herba memberikan kombinasi padu untuk menjadikan kulit wajah lembut dan halus.

Sesuaikah Untuk Kulit Berminyak ?

Krim pelembap Hansaegee Nature Aqua Whitening Cream sesuai digunakan untuk semua jenis kulit. Teksturnya sangat ringan, tidak melekit dan cepat meresap ke dalam kulit. Biasanya aku akan sapu krim pelembap ni dua kali sehari dan sebelum pakai bedak.

Lagi satu kan, krim ni sangat selesa diguna bila-bila je samada ketika nak pergi kedai atau di pejabat. Ia tidak meninggalkan rengsa dan ketidakselesaan pada kulit. Rasa lembap dan lembut je bila selalu guna.

Cara nak gunanya pun mudah!
  1. Cuci muka sebersihnya
  2. Calit krim pelembap secukupnya pada muka dan leher
  3. Sapukan rata dan pedap sikit-sikit dengan jari. 
  4. Titisan air akan kelihatan dan ia mudah meresap ke dalam kulit

Setelah berminggu aku konsisten menggunakan Hansaegee Nature Aqua Whitening Cream, ternyata terdapat perubahan positif pada kulit wajah. Kulit pun dah kurang berminyak dan jerawat juga semakin berkurang. Terus aku syorkan pada anak-anak untuk guna kerana mereka sangat aktif di sekolah dan mudah terdedah kepada cuaca panas setiap hari. Dan mereka juga memberikan feedback yang positif!

So, kalau korang sedang mencari krim pelembap yang sesuai korang bolehlah mencuba Hansaegee Nature Aqua Whitening Cream. InsyaAllah tak menyesal!


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Harga tak masuk akal!


Assalamualaikum! Deodoran ... barang terpaling penting dalam hidup seorang wanita. Tanpanya, kita rasa tak selesa nak keluar rumah. Lebih-lebih lagi remaja macam kakak dan adik. Stok kat rumah dah hampir habis. Spray pun keluar bunyi angin je. 

Ada jenis deodoran bila spray ketiak kita jadi gatal. Ahh tu memang aku pangkah terus! Ada pulak yang melekit-lekit basah ketiak bila berpeluh. Erghhh tak best! Lagi teruk ketiak berbau balik lepas 3-4 jam. Rasa nak lari balik rumah! Malu weh kalau dalam train atau kat opis.

So, semalam kami pergi ke Watsons untuk beli. Aku terus pergi ke rak deodoran di belakang. Aku dah agak zaman sekarang harga barang semua melambung. Mana ada yang turunnya. Barang yang takda kena mengena ngan makanan pun dah naik sekarang ni. So, tak hairanlah kalau harga deodoran pun akan naik.

Tapi kalau takda deodoran lagi azab! Nak tak nak, mahal camne pun kena beli gak sebotol. Tapi, alangkah terkejuk beruknya aku bila tengok harga kat rak tu! Biar betul harga dia ni. Selalu aku beli dua belas ringgit sebotol. Aku tenung lama sikit. Ishhh... aku baca kat tag dia ... betul dah ni!

Dalam banyak-banyak jenama yang aku dah pernah guna, jenama XOW ni yang aku dan anak-anak guna sekarang. Harga asal kat pasaran lebih kurang sama dengan jenama lain. Kalau murah pun mungkin murah seringgit je. Tapi, deodoran ni yang aku selesa guna.

Eh ..tapi takkan lah! atau spek mata aku yang bermasalah??

Rupanya bukan spek mata aku yang problem, tapi ini memang betul-betul kenyataan! Harga spray deodoran XOW kat Watson jatuh ke lapan ringgit sebotol! Fuyooooo .... ini pucut dicita ulam mendatang sungguh. Memang tak masuk akal sungguh!

Aku cakap ngan kakak, dah lama aku tak jumpa deodoran harga bawa sepuluh ringgit haha. Tu pun aku tenung gak lagi tag harga dia sebelum ambik, nak sedapkan hati hahaha. Ikutkan hati nak je aku amik semua bau setiap satu. Memang termurah sangat dah ni!

Tapi anak aku sempat menginsafkan, katanya "maa ... kita nak beli makanan kucing dan pasir kucing ni". Oh ya, banyak lagi barang nak beli hahaha. So aku amik 4 perisa dulu. Kalau tanya aku yang mana bau wangi, semua wangi! Bau lembut dan paling penting cepat kering bila sembur.

Sapa-sapa yang nak pergi Watson tu bolehlah try deodoran ni. Tengah harga murah ni! Selamat shopping ...!

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Sunday, August 01, 2021

Hansaegee Nature - Aloe AC Clean Bubble Cleanser For Acne Skin


Assalamualaikum! How's your skin surviving through this MCO thing? Well, mine is always struggling but recently I found something that kinda ease down my skin problems and I think it would be good to share with you guys.

When it comes to skincare especially skin cleanser, I ALWAYS...ALWAYS look for chemical-free products. Therefore, I will make sure to checkout the ingredients before make my decision and purchase it. For me, no matter how good the products are but if they have chemicals in it knowing that can harm our skin especially in long term, I will never ever lay my hands on it! So you gotta choose wisely and safely.

We all know the 5 steps skincare routine right. Oh, you don't? That's ok, I'll be glad to share with you right here right now! If you want to have a healthy skin, you gotta make sure you do the 5 steps routine without fail. There are :

  1. Cleanser
  2. Exfoliate
  3. Toner
  4. Moisturizer
  5. Sunscreen

As for today, I will share with you the very first step of skincare routine that one must not leave behind which is cleanser. Choosing the right cleanser for your skin is essential and before you do, you gotta know what type of your skin.

I have an oily skin, and that comes with the acne package. Not just that, I also have quite big pores that even makes the acne easy to pop out. And yes, I'm still struggling fixing my acnes since my teenage. Though it's getting better as I enter my 30's, but maintaining the free-acne skin is a bit tough throughout the years. 

I have tried many types of cleansers but Aloe AC Clean Bubble Cleanser from Hansaegee Nature is a foam-base that gives you a soothing, cooling sensation on skin with moisture that will keep your skin clean and smooth all day long.

It has 11 types of natural plants extract with the main ingredients are Aloe Barbadensis Leaf & Tea Tree Leaf Oil, a good combination for remove dead skin cells and excess sebum/oil and impurities deep within pores. It also protects the skin, pore refining, leaving it smooth, moist and keep it refreshed.

Now you know, the Tea Tree Leaf Oil works very efficient on skin and act as anti-bacterial used to treat acne. So when we apply the aloe clean bubble cleanser, it will cut down the slightest possibility of acne-causing bacteria residing inside our skin pores.

So if you are wearing makeups, you don't have to worry because this cleanser will not only cleanse the surface of your skin but also wipe out the makeup residue that is still stuck in the pores. How good is that!

What caught me interesting with this aloe clean bubble cleanser is the soft and bubbly texture when apply on my hands. It feels so smooth and watery on my skin! And did you know that foaming cleansers are great for oily and acne-prone skin because of their pore penetrating capabilities? Yes, it goes deep in your pores and get rid of the excess oil/sebum without too much effort.

As good as how it works, it is also easy to use. Simple video below will show you 👇

How to Use?

1. First, you must wet your hands and face with clean waters.

2. Then, press 1.5 or 2 full pump of Bubble Cleanser on hand and then apply on face and massage gently.

3. Wash you face with clean water to wash off the bubble. Now your face clean deeply smooth and moisture without dry out feeling.

The best part about this cleanser is, it is paraben-free, sulfate-free and alcohol-free. Yes, these are the chemicals that we should avoid in our skincare products. Since my skin is oily type with acne problems, I don't want to worsen my acne and the Aloe AC Clean Bubble Cleanser is the solution to my skin problem.

Aloe AC Clean Bubble Cleanser is for all skin type. It doesn't dry out my skin after wash like any other foam-base cleanser. Not only that, it controls oil and keep my skin moist and soft at the same time. 

So if you are still searching the right cleanser for your skin, just go for the chemical-free like the Aloe AC Clean Bubble Cleanser from Hansaegee Nature. You will love the bubbly watery texture, the lemon scent, the moisture on your skin and most important it will leave your skin healthier and refreshed all day long.

After weeks using the Aloe AC Clean Bubble Cleanser, I begin to feel the difference on my skin. It doesn't feel too much oily as it used to be. My skin is smooth right after the wash and fresh. And did I tell you how good the smell is? This cleanser contain Lemon Peel Oil which gives you the lemon scent and I can confirm that you also gonna love the smell on your skin!

Thanks to Aloe AC Clean Bubble Cleanser, I can live my life with a healthier and fresher skin and be confident more than ever. For more details about Aloe AC Clean Bubble Cleanser and Hansaegee Nature products, you can click on the link below. 

Don't forget to try it and share your experience with me ya!

Friday, May 31, 2019

Friday, May 31, 2019

Concealer Pilihan Hati Untuk Hari Raya

Assalamualaikum! Hadoiii tajuk...tak boleh blah yek. Macam la dia sorang je pakai concealer selama ni hahaha. Anyway, nak cerita jugak la dalam blog ni. Benda baik kita share betul tak. Sebagai salah seorang dari #AltheaAngels tak salah kalau kita kongsi produk kosmetik yang sesuai dan berbaloi untuk dimiliki.

Anyway, hari tu aku dapat parcel dari Althea dan salah satu produk yang sampai adalah set Flawless Creamy Concealer yang mempunyai 4 warna untuk kesesuaian tona kulit. Secara jujurnya, ini kali pertama aku guna concealer sebagai foundation hehe. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Thursday, May 30, 2019

[Recommended] Skin Relief Spot Film Gel Untuk Masalah Jerawatku!

Assalamualaikum! Punya la lama dok mencari ubat apa nak kasi hilang jerawat ni, akhirnya aku ketemu juga. Walaupun sejak dah masuk 3 series ni, jerawat pun keluar seketul-seketul, tak macam muda remaja dulu (hehe) tapi bila dia keluar dekat tempat yang tak sepatutnya iaitu di mukaku, haaaa haru kejap la jadinya hahaha.

Pertama kali aku diperkenalkan dengan produk Skin Relief Spt Film Gel dari Althea, aku macam skeptikal sikit pun ada. Maklumla, dah banyak kali kecewa kan hehe. Tapi rupanya ada beza ketara produk ni dengan yang lain-lain yang pernah aku guna.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

[Watercolor Cream Tint] 4 Rona Warna Menarik Untuk Dipakai Di Pagi Raya

Assalamualaikum! Tinggal lagi kurang seminggu je kita nak sambut Hari Raya. Mesti semua orang sibuk buat persiapan raya kan. Tapi jangan lupa juga tambahkan ibadah kita di 10 malam terakhir ni ok. 

Anyway, cakap pasal persiapan mak-mak mesti ada plan setiap tahun betul tak. Baju apa, design macam mana, kasut apa, biskut raya beli mana semuanya demi keluarga. Tapi mak-mak mesti nak kelihatan cantik berseri di pagi raya jugak kan.


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